Wednesday, April 4, 2007

As we think...

One worldview is that we, as humans, have a finite course to run on this earth and that we, like some creatures before us, will become extinct - a memory.

I think we'll evolve.
Into what I'm not yet certain.

Way back when... a good many years ago now, I read James Redfield's Celestine Prophecy. As a fictitious piece of work it resonated with many of my core beliefs at that point in my growth - that as humans we are heading somewhere beyond our everyday knowledge. Over time, many authors, some well known, others not so, have derived similar themes:

Vibrations of emotions generate the circumstances

Love begets love

You create your future with your thoughts

As we are, so shall we attract

Working on the premise that these philosophies, which are growing increasingly popular in the United States mainstream media (a comparative glance at the New York Times Best Sellers List is an indicator with such titles as THE PURPOSE-DRIVEN LIFE, by Rick Warren; THE LAW OF ATTRACTION, by Esther and Jerry Hicks; THE SECRET, by Rhonda Byrne), hold a truth to them, I have to acknowledge that there is a missing for me in terms of what we as humans profess to know and the action we take. I recognize this is nothing new, we often act as "human" and fail to adhere to that which we know to be true, healthy and good for us. For me though, there seems to be a sense of urgency...that there is something that had to be known and action that had to be taken.
If we create what comes, then we have the power to create what we desire. The next question then is evident...What do I desire for the world? What is my Vision Statement for our Mother Earth?

Sunday, April 1, 2007

The Ripple

It began as a whisper. It became a yearning. To play a part in the nurturing of the world and its wonderful, marvelous, glorious people. Every one of them.

I hear words from the past floating into my being. Words of idealism and its inevitable doom and yet, as I shrug them off, I believe. Isn't faith stepping past that which one sees into the unknown, firmly believing that 'unknown' is really a friend waiting to dance with you?